Website development

Website development and construction is a complex process that requires special skills.
Therefore, it is better to entrust the production of the site to a professional, specialist with experience.

Website building is always divided into several stages, the first stage is content preparation, selection and writing special texts, selection and processing of images, preparation of video files.
Second stage selection and installation CMS site platform,building a site on the platform is not always justified, excellent results are obtained by writing your own scripts.

The third stage is the selection and installation of a suitable template (design) of the site, you can use a free one or buy a professional one.

The fourth stage is the layout and debugging of the site, filling the site with content, editing the code.
The fifth stage of SEO site optimization. All stages must be performed by a specialist and then the result will be pleasing.

A great site needs to be up to date with search engines so that it can be easily searched.
I can build a website on any popular platform: WordPress, Joomla, OpenCart, PrestaShop, Magento, also write a completely individual site code.

My development started in 2005 and up to now I continue to develop
sites in accordance with modern requirements. My experience is more significant in building online stores, as well as most often I had to develop websites for private companies.

The production costs can be agreed individually, but a minimum rate of 100 $ is required!

For a rough estimate of any final costs that may arise, please refer to the following table:


  • Business card website up to 3 pages – 300 $
  • Company website up to 5 pages- 600 $
  • Online store installation, configuration- 1200 $
  • Corporate website – 4000 $
  • Individual programming PHP – 15 $ per hour


website develop

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